• (905) 844-6982
  • office@oakvillecurlingclub.com

DW - Spring Fling Bonspiel | Mar 18 & 20



Tuesday, March 18, and Thursday March 20, 2025.

Celebrate with all your curling friends at our final Day Women In ­House Bonspiel of the season.


  • Breakfast at 8:30 am on Tuesday
    • A delicious array of goodies will be served
  • Announcements at 8:50 am
  • 9:00 am on-ice start time each morning

Register to play on a team, spare only, or lunch only.
Please indicate the position(s) you prefer to play
Lunch on Thursday, please indicate attendance and dietary restrictions.
Please pay $35 registration fee to: pay.dwcurlingocc@gmail.com.

There will be a select number of exotic baskets for our fund raising raffle!

Registration Closes: March 10 @ 11:55pm (or sooner if full)

This event is sponsored by Patti Winter and Viva Oakville

Viva Oakville

Day Women bonspiels are open to all OCC adult female members. Preference will be given to Day Women members who sign up during the first two weeks of registration. Teams will be determined by the Bonspiel Committee based on preferred positions indicated upon registration.

Event Details

Event Date 2025-03-18
Event End Date 2025-03-20
Registered 73
Registration End Date 2025-03-10 11:55 pm
Location Oakville Curling Club
Categories In-house , Bonspiel, Women's