Make curling your next team building event!
The ultimate team experience for your team/group.
Curling is an interactive sport that promotes communication, leadership, strategic thinking, decision making, and fun! Combine that with a little sociability.
No previous curling experience is necessary, and everyone can participate. Learn all facets of the game. Delivery, Sweeping, Strategy – everyone works together to execute all the shots.
Our certified and passionate instructors will patiently work with you to show you the basics.
Equipment is supplied for you. All we need is you, a pair of sneakers, and warm comfortable clothes.
Each event includes:
- Orientation of the dos and don’ts of curling and a little history along the way
- Yes, everyone will learn how to throw a stone at ice houses.
- We will even get you into your first curling game.
- No fun allowed…we are serious about our sport…But etiquette says winner buys.
Yes, there is a slight cost.
- Two-hour time slot/sheet with an instructor = $360 + HST (6 people per sheet recommended since repetition and warmth are considered)
- Join us before and after in our comfortable lounge for a social beverage.
- We only have snacks but encourage you to order in food or bring your own.
Call or email the office to book!
(905) 844-6982