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Hot Shots Adult Curling Camp

Hot Shots LOGO BlueGrey 2016 1 copy 1 copyThe HOT SHOTS Curling Camp has been proud to call the Oakville Curling Club our Canadian home for almost two decades. 

The camp draws curlers from across the United States, Ontario and Quebec to this beautiful facility. This is an adult camp, open to individuals, couples, and teams.

OCC is a world-class curling facility and is appreciated by all camp participants, many who travel from outside the GTA and from the USA (and even a few from Europe and Asia) to attend.

Our first Oakville Camp will be held August 22-24, 2025. Our second camp will be held after Labour Day, September 12-14, 2025.

If you would like to join us for a weekend of instruction and fun, please consider gathering your teammates (and even your opposition) and sign up.

For more information on our camps and to register, please visit https://hotshotscurling.com

hotshots arena