• (905) 844-6982
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Fundraising at the Oakville Curling Club

The Oakville Curling Club raises additional funds through three club sponsored programs: Mega Draw, Weekly 50/50 Draw, and Bingo.

2016 17.Mega.Draw

Mega Draw

In 2013 the club consolidated a number of independent fundraising activities into a single initiative call the Mega Draw. This eliminated going back to the membership on multiple occasion for different fund raising drives. Mega Draw ticket sales occur during the month of October and tickets are eligible for monthly prizes throughout the curling season.

This year marks the fourth year of the Mega Draw and we have moved to cash prizes this year.

50 50.draw

Weekly 50/50 Draw

Our 50/50 Draw is very popular with members. Sign up weekly for a chance to win the jackpot. Entry is $2. At the end of each week a name is drawn at random from the entire adult membership roster. If your name is drawn and you are registered for that week, you WIN! If there is no winner the jackpot carries over to the following week.

The sign up sheet and money jar sit on the bar. Drop in a twoonie and sign up!



As a registered Not-for-Profit organization, the Oakville Curling Club is allowed to participate in Ontario Lottery and Gaming Bingo events. Approximately once per month the OCC is asked to provide two volunteers to work at the Delta Bingo and Gaming centre. Shifts are 2 1/2 hours long and in return the Oakville Curling Club shares in a percentage of the proceeds. Funds are dedicated primarily to youth curling.

We need to increase our pool of available volunteers so we don't miss out on any opportunities.  If you would like to help out please contact the office.