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Club Bell Rule

The Bell rule

The Bell will sound once at the nominal beginning of the draw.

  • After 1 hour and 40 minutes, the Bell will sound again.  At this point, teams get to complete the end they are currently playing, plus one more.
  • 15 minutes later (1 hour and 55 minutes from the start), the bell will ring one last time.  Now, teams are currently playing their last end.
  • The end is considered over when the skip’s hammer rock crosses the near T-line.  At this point, you are considered to be playing the next end.

Example 1: If you are in the middle of the sixth end and the first bell sounds, you can finish the 6th end and play the 7th end. 

Example 2: If you are at the very end of the sixth end, once the hammer crosses the near T-line, you are now in the 7th end.  If the first bell rings at this point, you may play the 7th and 8th ends.  In this case, you need to complete the 7th end in 15 minutes before the final bell sounds.